Sunday, July 29, 2012

Missionary Work Object Lesson!

Object lesson:
you need:
a can of play dough

*make 2 balls from the play dough: one with holes one without. ( holes can be put in by poking the ball with your finger)

* the one without holes represents a member of the church. The one with holes represents a non member. the holes represents something missing.

* each time you share the gospel with them, a hole is patched up. if you continually teach this person the gospel, soon all of the wholes will be gone. this represents the process of converting someone.

* now that this person is a member, they can share the gospel with their friend, and they can share it with their friend(so on and so forth). don't forget that one baptism will effect many generations

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Share The Gospel

Don't think that when you convert 1 person, that just 1 person is effected. generations and generations are effected! Share the gospel!

How to tell your friends, Show them a mormon message. my favorite is in this link:

Dont just ask them to join the church. gradually teach them. start of with telling them about how one of your prayers were answered, show them a mormon message, etc.

The Greatest servive that can be done is missionary work!!!!!!!!!!! :)